
International Trading and E-commerce

1- Sourcing: send us details for any product you need and will find you source.

2- Inspection and payment secure: already got supplier and need to make sure you got exactly what you need before shipping we can provide you un inspection at supplier location before you pay them anything also you can pay throw us to make sure your payment is safe from any Fraud if you don’t trust supplier.

3- 3pl logistics service (drop shipper – E commerce – online purchases)

A-     Receiving orders: we can receive all your purchases, collect it, store it even repacking and add your privet label if needed and send it to delivery location.

B-      Reshipping and distributing: next step after we collected all your purchases and make it ready for delivery is to ship it to the desired location whether you want to receive all your purchases onetime or distribute it to several locations.

C-      Collecting payments: last step of your online process is collecting your payments from your customers which will give you a great option and will support your business also you will gain trust from your customer by offering cash on delivery service.

D-     Show room for samples: to avoid expensive shipping charges we can keep your samples in your desired country where you have a high demand and you Stock for small orders and we will do the delivery that will enhance your delivery time and save multi shipping cost.


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